Posted inHumor

A Tribute to “That Guy” at Convention

micmanIf you like me went to convention this last week, you likely saw him there. That fat (takes one to know one) and happy guy sitting near one of the microphones. The man who has likely traveled many miles to attend the convention. Perhaps he has even given up vacation time from work.  But regardless, he travels all the way to offer up the only four words of wisdom he has, “I call the question.”

Each time he offers up this wisdom he sits down and with a jovial smirk feels the adulation of everyone in the hall who no longer wants to be there.  He is an instant hero of sorts. He is the one who lets all the kids out of class early.  And this popularity he enjoys is in his mind well worth discouraging any further discussion on the business of the convention.

Occasionally, if someone else gets to call the question, he feels dejected and yet at the same time strangely at one with them.  After all, what else would one go to a convention for other than to try to get out of the convention as soon as possible so that you can take one more stroll through the vendor booths in hopes of landing the giveaway from CPH.

This is my tribute to you “Call the Question Guy.” Thanks for not letting the business that we all gathered to accomplish get in the way of your calling. Thanks for making sure that theological dialogue does not comprise part of our time at convention.  Thanks for making sure that the motto “recess before resolutions” is lived out right in front of me. 

Why is this in blue?  Click here.

One thought on “A Tribute to “That Guy” at Convention

  1. Thank you for explaining the blue background. Reading this post about “That Guy” I was feelig a bit hurt, angry and guilty. Your explanation helped but I’m still struggling. I did not call the quesstin to avoid theology. I called the question because the debate was digressing and I had hoped to keep the TCM guy from speaking, again, before the votes were cast. Oh well, the resolution was defeated anyway although it was closer than I had expected. And, as I point my finger at me I see three pointing at me. My motor mouth gets me in trouble quite often. Well, I can’t help it. I’m Irish.

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