Just a little over a week ago from when I am writing this, I went into the birthing center here in Colby to visit one of our younger couples who had just had their first baby. The wonder in their eyes and voices was evident. I got to shake the hand of the proud dad and listen as the thoughtful young mom gave thanks to God for the gift given. We got to talk about bringing that new child to the waters of Holy Baptism.

In just a little under a week from when I am writing this, my wife Jaimee is due to deliver our eighth child. And if you stop by to visit (which you are welcome to do), you will be visiting an older couple (well at least me). But a guarantee you will see the wonder of it all in our eyes and hear it in our voices, even though they might be a little sleepier and more strained than those of the young couple. You will still meet a proud dad and a mom who is treasuring these things in her heart. We will be discussing when to get that child to the font to let God do His life-giving work.
The young couple and the slightly older couple will have very different lives in some way. One just starting their life as a family with children, and all the joys and considerations of that stage of life. When the baby sleep or is awake and happy, that silence will bring peace never experienced before in quite that way. When it cries and is upset, every attention will be focused there.
The other will welcome the little one into the midst of the chaos that is a large family, where talk of college and diapers somehow weaves their way together in normal conversation. Even when the child sleeps, the likelihood of silence is very low, though to the one holding the child, peace will still permeate. When the child cries, its needs will be among the cries of many others demanding attention. And yet, its smallness and dependence will win the day.
But in both of those homes, one thing will not be missed. God’s goodness and faithfulness. In general, yes, but specifically in giving new life, in giving little ones into the arms of their parents, in continuing the story of the people of God under his gracious care.
Yes, in both homes a loud “Amen” to the psalmist words, “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” (Psalm 127:3)
As you see these little ones in the pew, I invite you to rejoice with those who rejoice. I invite you to think of the times when God granted your family little ones. I invite you to sing with the psalmist in joy.
For those who have lost children or were never granted children, I invite you to still rejoice in these gifts as they are given, but to know that we are here to mourn with you whenever you need. We rejoice with you in the unique calling God has given to you in this life. We understand together that the rejoicing and the mourning come ultimately from the conviction that every child is a gift of good God, whenever given, not given, or taken. Whether we wonder and marvel or are downright confused and discouraged, we remain convinced of this truth.
Yes, it is the life of a pastor. And your life as well. Different circumstances. Different life situations. Same God. Same Giving. Same Savior. Amen.