Imagine a whole country ceasing to exist. It is the kind of stuff that screenwriters imagine when crafting stories for new movies. But usually in … The Extinction of a Nation?Read more
Birth Control
Contraceptives are not…
There may be many ideas about whether contraceptives are good or not for the world. In this post, I seek to ignore that argument intentionally. … Contraceptives are not…Read more
Trust God! Choose Life!
photo from Lutherans for Life Website for Life Sunday 2012 The following thoughts are not from Lutherans for Life. Their theme mentioned on this image … Trust God! Choose Life!Read more
Superworks of Christianity
First, let thank Pastor Mark Lovett (who blogs here) and the rest of the brothers from confessions study a couple weeks ago for helping me … Superworks of ChristianityRead more
The other shoe may soon drop
If you think the Pill changed our world, wait until this one gets fully approved. One treatment, ten years of infertility. How many 20 year … The other shoe may soon dropRead more
Playing the street with a helmet on.
Imagine a mother looking out her window and seeing her young child playing out in the midst of the busy street. Would you find it … Playing the street with a helmet on.Read more
No Brainer – Free Birth Control
I have to agree. A no-brainer. As in “no brain” move. Give everyone a pill for free to stop the “disease” of unwanted children. Because … No Brainer – Free Birth ControlRead more
Billionaires against Babies
Billionaires tend to be very opinionated people. And they rarely agree on anything. But at a meeting last year, some of the world richest and … Billionaires against BabiesRead more
Safer Sinning? The Pope and Condoms
Isn’t this always the way? Write something on how the Pope has remained steadfast of issues of sexuality and life, and next thing you know … Safer Sinning? The Pope and CondomsRead more
Free Child Prevention: Sign of healthy society?
If many get their way, birth control in the US will not only be legal and encouraged as it is now, but it will also … Free Child Prevention: Sign of healthy society?Read more