Posted inTheology and Practice

Honoring veterans and the One who gave them

Today, we marvel at the goodness of God in gifting us with men and women who have served the country we are blessed to live in.   We rejoice that through their sacrifice we have freedoms unknown to most in human history. And in the midst of our reflections, we do well to ask if we honor the freedoms we have been given by using that freedom for good and not for evil.  For the freedoms we have been given can be either great blessing or terrible curse.  May we honor our veterans by using the freedoms they secured for us in service to our neighbors.  For in so doing we bring not only honor upon them, but due reverence upon the God that gave them to us.

Also, on this day, I offer an old post that helps us remember that while veterans are to be treasured, we must also remember that they know well that they are not perfect and need the gospel just like the rest of us in any vocation:

Our Heroes Need the Gospel

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