This is what we attempted to do in the Kansas District on Saturday. And thanks to a masterful teacher of the Scripture (Dr. Reed Lessing), it went very well. Many people (over 450 across Kansas) got a review of the biblical narrative and how it all points to Jesus.
But I couldn’t help wonder how thoroughly “2010 America” this attempt was in its conception. “Teach me the Bible in 5 hours” is perhaps something only a modern American could even think to ask. And while I value what we did and wouldn’t necessarily rule out doing it again, I wonder if in some sense we gave the wrong impression that the Bible could be grasped in 5 hours. I think most who went realized that it was way too much to swallow in one day. But I still wonder if we should simply say to such requests for instruction, it is just not possible. You can’t even get the basic big picture of the Bible in 5 hours.
The whole point of our organizing the event was to drive people into further study. But I wonder if we could have possibly accomplished the opposite? Could we have suggested that a once and a while big event was a worthy way to approach bible study. Surely it is not. Daily study is the only way to get the big picture and the details that drive it.  Your thoughts?