Posted inTheology and Practice

Polemic against Postmodernism

Every opinion is as valid as the next.  Postmodernism for the populace. And when this maxim is taken into the area of biblical interpretation,  the maxim becomes, my interpretation is as good as yours.  And I must admit that if it were that simple, that we were comparing the literary opinions of two random people, the maxim might hold.  But here is where the maxim fails.  First, there are many other variables that go into biblical interpretation.  Just because you believe some word might mean something does not mean that it does.  Through context and lexical scholarship, we can determine the meaning of words with quite exacting precision in most cases.  Also, considering passages in their immediate and wider context can bring us to conclusions that eclipse mere opinion.

But the main point I wish to assert today is that we must realize that the interpretation of a random modern scholar does not stand equal to the interpretation which the church has held to for nearly two thousand years.  So many things in our day are being dismissed because some scholar (and I use the term generously) decided to write a paper or more likely a blog post calling into question the traditional interpretation of a text.   Yes, in our modern thoughts taught to be undiscerning, the two interpretations seem to be equally valid.  After all, who knows the truth.   Put up the options and we will all choose.

But this approach is so ludicrous on a prima facia basis if one will pry the prisms of postmodernism presumptions off their pupils.   If I suggest an interpretation that is simply my own, fine, question away.  Dismiss it out of hand.  Substitute your ideas.  But if my interpretation agrees not with my own whims but the near constant interpretation of the Christian church for 2000 years, please do not be offended or surprised when I dismiss your link to the latest  “funny or die’ video.  The scales just do not even out on this one.

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