Posted inMeditations

Our heroes need the Gospel

Forgive me, zealous patriots.  But sometimes our soldiers do things that are not right.  I do not mean this in a macro sense but a micro sense.  I am not talking about unjust wars, but unjust actions in the midst of just wars.   And it matters not that I know it.  What matters  is that they know it.  When we act as if it is not possible for those in our uniform to do things that are wrong, we deny what our heroes know.  They know that at times honorable service to laudable goals gives way to angry actions with no real purpose.  It happens to the lowest soldier and to commanders as well.  Sometime our heroes are convicted of their own actions, other times of their roles played out at the command of a superior.  Rather than just seeking to justify their actions as always blameless, let us recognize what they already know and give them the Gospel.  Let them have Jesus instead of justification.

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