Posted inTheology and Practice

Mercy work in Christ’s name.

imageI could not agree more with the Cardinal in the article below.  That is why donating to LCMS World Relief and Human Care is good.  They operate with this understanding as well.  Most relief agencies, (even Christian and Lutheran ones) do not.  Most separate mercy from mission.  So while is it good to give and help in any way.  When you have a choice, give through a group that understands that mercy work and mission work should not be separated from one another. Instead of just giving to the cross that is Red.  Give in order that the cross where Christ bled might be proclaimed even as the hungry are fed.

Cardinal: Church’s Humanitarian Work Must Have Christian Identity

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican Secretary of State, was speaking at the general assembly of Caritas Internationalis, the international alliance of Catholic aid and development agencies.

In the homily to open the assembly on Sunday, he told the charities that their work “could never be limited to assisting people’s material needs.”

“The Church’s charitable activity, like that of Christ, could never be limited to assisting people’s material needs, however urgent and immediate those needs might be,” he said.

“In a word: the Church must not only practice charity, but practice it as Christ did.”

Full Link:  Click Here

One thought on “Mercy work in Christ’s name.

  1. Phil,

    From the article: “In a word: the Church must not only practice charity, but practice it as Christ did.” Where in the NT did Christ ask those people whom he healed, helped, etc. about their subscription to the Creeds and symbols of the Church?

    NOw, I’m not accusing LCMS World Relief Fund of employing a religion litmus test to those whom they seek to help though there are several questionable “Christian” agencies that precisely do such a thing. “Don’t have a sin to confess? Well, I guess you can’t have this cool, clean drinking water today. Come back tomorrow when you confess.” Absurditas absurditate, I grant. However, tell me when the mission starts and tell me how combining mercy and mission doesn’t have the appearance of quid pro quo.

    If giving to others charitably is dependent upon some other condition, then is that charity? No. We are told even to love our enemies without any condition. There is no difference in the love of our greatest enemy than our love for God. So, how can you impose conditions? Since when is giving to the less fortunate not enough? Your act of giving is as giving to Christ Himself! Such were His very words!

    You’re wrong and this papist of whom you approve is wrong. Giving charitably should not be doubled as bully pulpit for conversion. I know Lutheranism is hurting in terms of numbers, but this is not a way to shore up the numbers. We are called to give and give generously. The people to whom you give generously you are treating as Icons of Christ. That is mission right there. If they want more theology, they can come to that on their own moved by the Spirit working in them and the people who ministered unto them.

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