Posted inMumblings

Can someone explain to me…

why evolutionists are so darn concerned with saving every species? Isn’t that just allowing the weak to survive and thwarting the natural process by which progress occurs? I see that value of each species from a creation perspective, but it seems contradictory to me that most of those who are out to save the _________ (mad lib your fill in) believe in evolution.

3 thoughts on “Can someone explain to me…

  1. Phil,

    I think that even among evolutionists there is a split, not about whether evolution happens, but how. Natural selection answers that question and not every evolutionist accepts that. Even when Darwin and Wallace published their separate but concurrent findings back in the late 1800s, there were others, like the French scientist Jean-Baptiste Lemarc (whose theories are now repudiated) who disagreed with the mechanism of natural selection. Thus, not all evolutionists are proponents of natural selection and their desire to keep species on the verge of dieing is due to other reasons, which I cannot speculate on.

    Personally, I feel that most of the people who want to save every little bug in the world are not acting to preserve creation, because most of them are advocates of the “save everything but man” school of thought.

  2. Back from my post-reading hiatus…

    It seems like evolutionists draw a line between how lives are affected in the natural world vs. how they’re affected due to man and technology. Landfills filled with chemical byproducts that pollute the land, for example, don’t seem like part of the “natural process”. A lot of the industrial stuff today seems to go far beyond “natural”.

  3. I was worried about you hinker… 🙂 Thanks for returning…

    Anyways, this post is by no means meant to be a why do we care about the species post? If fact it hints at the opposite, the world is given to us to watch.

    And I understand that they justify their thoughts in the way that you said, but the whole point of traditional evolutionary thought is survival by the ability to adapt regardless of the reason the need to adapt exists.

    And also, they inconsistently remove humanity from the chain in these discussions. Either we are part of evoluion or above it, but not both.

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