Posted inCreationism and Science

Evolution and Inconsistency

Every time I go to a zoo or museum, I am always struck by the number of times I hear the words endangered or threatened. Those words are verbal nouns that suggest a subject. Who is it that is endangering or threatening these animals? And of course you know the answer given: Man. We are killing off species in our lust for land, tusks, and all other things we can make a buck off of.

But last I checked, endangered or threatened species are a rather natural part of the evolutionary process according to the scientists. Only the strong survive. And according to the theory of evolution, this is not only to be expected but to be lauded. The extinction of the weak only aids the evolutionary process. Quite frankly, to further propagate a weak maladapted species is to thwart the grand process of evolution.

So how can the zoos bemoan the loss of species?  Well, here is the inconsistency. They bemoan it because humans are the implied subject of those nouns “endangering” and “threatening.” It is different because it is humans.

But wait, I thought humans were no different. I have been told time and time again by scientists and animal lovers alike that humans are essentially no different that any other animal except that at least for now they sit at the top of the food chain. If we are no different, then our ultimate goal is only survival. And if few species have to go, so be it. If a human feels the need to make a living by preying on other animals, that can only be expected. It is at the heart of how evolution works. If we are no different, don’t expect or ask us to act any different. No one gets on whales for their indiscriminate gulps of fish.  So leave us alone.

Only a biblical framework where humans are set apart from all creation, as stewards over it, can a case be made for saving species. Only in this framework does humanity have a ethical responsibility to steward creation to the best of our ability. Only in this framework, can we see value in each species as a unique creation of God. We believe that humans are different. The crown of God’s creation. And stewards of that creation.

So evolutionists, pick a position. Are humans the same? If so, don’t tell us to do anything different that any other species motivated by survival? Are we different? Well then your entire theory falls. Pick a position.

3 thoughts on “Evolution and Inconsistency

  1. Read my latest post. I think it will give you my answer. Thanks for commenting. I truly appreciate it.

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