Posted inMarriage and Family / Sexuality / Theology and Practice

A Choice?

This ad to the left was recently published in Italy. While you may not be able to read the text, the wristband’s message is clear. For your clarity, the text translates to “Sexual Orientation is not a choice.” The point it to try to further the idea that the homosexual lifestyle is not something once chooses to do, but rather a reflection of who one is.

Contrary to many Christians’ thoughts, I do not have any problem believing that people could be born with a tendency toward homosexual feeling or desires. I do not know for sure that there are such people, but I do not believe that the bible outlaws such an idea.

All are born sinful. It would not surprise me if some are born with impure homosexual desires as part of their fallen makeup. If Eden had continued there would be no babies born with homosexual desires, but in our fallen world it is possible.

But regardless if the idea of being born with homosexual tendencies is science fact or fiction, the exercise of those desires are not beyond the sanctifying power of Jesus given in baptism. The acts can be avoided and even the thoughts destroyed through the Spirit.

It is no different that the impure sexual desires I struggle with as a heterosexual. I suppose my wristband could read like the one I have photo-shopped to the right. For while I love my wife, she is not the only woman I have have ever felt sexually attracted to. So to follow the argument of the homosexual community, I was born a polygamist. Those are my most natural leanings. Or I guess I could leave out the concept of marriage and photoshop in serial fornicator instead. But I recognize that I must refrain from acting out on those desires, and yes even ponder pure things so that impure thoughts are driven out.

The real trouble is an misunderstanding of our condition when we enter this world. We cannot assume that those desires with which we are born are pure or natural (in the sense of what God intends for humanity) simply because we are little babies who look so cute. We are born into the world sinful, an enemy of God. It is not inconceivable then, but quite in line with the scripture’s teachings, that impure desires would be present in us from birth on.

We are fallen. Let us fall on Jesus.

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