6 thoughts on “A Real Question: Was Barack…

  1. We might also ask, if McCain had won, would it have been because of the content of his character or the color of his skin.

    Jim Wagner

  2. Jim,
    Perhaps we could have, however my comment was based on the coverage the night Barack won which focused only in on the color of his skin. And then I listened the next day as those who supported him most saying they were not sure who he really was. And all that time I heard reporters rejoicing that MLK’s dream had finally come true, that a black man had been elected due to the content of his character. That is simply false. The day when whites will choose a president based on content of character and blacks will do the same, then MLK’s dream will be closer to reality. We are not there yet due to racist whites and racist blacks.
    However, I think truly the answer to my question is neither. While no doubt, his skin color won him many votes, and perhaps the content of what people guess his character to be garnered a few more, it was neither that got him elected.
    We elected him based on charisma. And that frightens me because giving power to someone based on charisma has been the causes both grand positive changes and huge negative ones. But if I look back at history, it seems more often to have led to bad things. Untethered charisma historically often degenerates into arrogant pride and use of power. I pray this will not be the case. And I mean that quite literally. It frightens me to have no one know who the most powerful man in the world truly is or how he might govern. Scary indeed.

  3. First of all, I think we know a lot about Obama based on his compaign. He ran a great campaign and McCain never managed to get it together. In her acceptance speech, Gov. Palin said condescendingly, “he’s been a community organizer . . . I guess that’s somthing like a governor . . . .” I think the McCain compaign discovered far too late that being a community organizer is a skill that tranlates into politics quite well — perhaps better than being a senator or governor, and will serve Obama well in the presidency. But enough of this.

    What we whites don’t realize and do not articulate is that white folks don’t need to talk about race or even notice when they vote for whites because it is just expected. Nevertheless whites voters have historically and continue to vote for whites in overwhelming numbers. If McCain had been elected do we have any idea how many votes he got just because he was white and not black?

    I am reminded of the old labor union joke where there were two candidates for the president of the local, one Polish and the other Italian. The vote came out 98-2 for the Pole. One of the 98 Polish members said, “Boy, those Italians sure stick together!”

    I will not respond further, because I doubt we will see any agreement on this issue. Obama won. Get over it.

  4. Jim,
    If we know him, tell me how he will govern? To the Middle or to the Left? And are you willing to bet on it?

  5. Since I believe he is essentially an honest person, I suspect he will try to govern pretty much as he has campaigned. I would call it center-left, certainly not the socialist (or even communist) some have portrayed him to be.

    Lower taxes for the middle class, higher for the rich, an orderly exit from Iraq, the beginnings of a health care plan, and a push for a more green economy, somewhat more emphasis on education. Abortion rights may well be expanded, which I do not support, and if there are Supreme Court nominations, I would expect them to be competent yet left-leaning judges. Few surprises.

    I think he is a pragmatist who will be somewhat hemmed in by this economic situation, which may take a lot of the energy of the first couple years — and would have for McCain, too.

    He has shown already that he has a talent for surrounding himself with (I think) wise people, and it is said he is a good listener who then makes his own decisions.

    Why is it so difficult to take the man at his word?

  6. Why is it so difficult to take the man at his word?

    I am a little surprised that a man with your experience dealing with people would be so quick to believe anyone’s words just because they utter them. I understand that he spoke of “coming together” but there is nothing of this in his life. he has no legislation to point to. His education was by far left liberals. His best friends hang out way on the left as well. i wish I could believe his words, and hope that I am wrong, but action speak louder than words. and this distrust has nothing to do with skin color, but everything to do with records matching rhetoric.

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