Posted inCreationism and Science

A New Apologetic for Creationists

For years and years now many organizations with millions of dollars at their disposal has sought to prove to our world that creation was scientifically feasible, yes even most likely.  And while I will admit that some of their findings have been astounding, I have also always wondered if they were simply fighting a losing battle, not because Creation is not true, but because it was not provable by scientific means.  However in an age that worships reason and science as the measure of all things, how else could one proceed.  With pure motives, Christians tried to play the modernist game of reasoned proof in order to bolster the faith of God’s children and cast down the idols of those who knew not God.

For better or worse, I am told that modernist thought is dieing in our time, and a new creature called postmodernism is being born.  When I first heard of this idea, I believed this creature to be pure monster, seeking to destroyed the certainty of all things.  But the more I study and ponder, I no longer fear it as I once did.  I still believe it may bear claws which may seek to  destroy some of what I hold beautiful.   But I also think it may return the church to a better witness of its true nature which is much more than reasoned logic.

When it comes to creation, I think our approach in a postmodern culture must change.  We much no longer we seek to prove that Creation is true scientifically.  Instead, we must argue that if the  greatness of autonomous reason has been placed into the category of fairy tale, science’s certainty has to been shelved there as well.  We must not allow science to remain standing with modernist certainty in a postmodern age.  We must let postmodernism dismantle the certainty of all disciplines, even science.

For once it is revealed that both Evolution and Creation are matters of faith and not pure reason and logic, then we can as God people simple proclaim our beliefs with boldness without science’s arrogant claim to the “facts.”  We need not let our inability to win the modernist game lessen the zeal of our proclamation.  And perhaps if we do this, many Christians who have left behind Genesis because they have bought into the false certainty science has tried to suggest was its possession will return to the truth of our origins given by the Spirit and  found in the Scriptures.

Yes, I am more than comfortable admitting that my beliefs cannot be proved if science will do the same. This is our new apologetic.

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