Posted inMarriage and Family / Theology and Practice

Turkey Cows?

cowLast night, Gideon, my oldest boy, now a fourth grader had an assignment which was given to encourage family participation.  As a family, we were supposed disguise a turkey in way that he would escape the thanksgiving table.   I suggested that we should disguise him as a cow since no one celebrating the traditional thanksgiving meal ate cow-meat for thanksgiving.

He looked at me and said, “Are you serious?”  “Yes,” I said.  He said, “People do eat cows on Thanksgiving.”  I clarified, “Well yes, some might have a hamburger or steak that day, but they would be the exception.  Most eat turkey.”  Then he said it.  “Yeah, but turkey comes from cows.”  I threw his original question back at him, “Are you serious?”  He was.  We spent the next few minutes of the internet proving to our straight-A student that turkey comes from, yes, turkeys.

So why do I tell this other than the desire to share the chuckles that followed our amazement?  It is a lesson for all who educate.  Never assume knowledge that you are not sure your student knows.  Make sure you explain the basics rather than assuming them.  This is increasingly important for pastors as we work with kids and adults never taught the basics of the faith in the home at all.  Keep your catechism always near.


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