Posted inTheology and Practice

Affinity with Rome?

imageI understand it.  Most of our protestant friends have departed very far from the historical practice of the Christian faith.  They also deny the very means by which God delivers his grace.  It is easy to feel distant from them at times.  I understand that Catholic Mass often is much closer in style and even substance in many ways to what Lutherans have historically practiced.

I understand that Rome has also been a very consistent voice in life issues and the like.  I understand that they have stood with us and we with them lately on the issue of religious freedom.  But what I do not understand is the affinity with Rome that I see among some Lutherans.

Have we forgotten our first love?  The Gospel.  Justification by grace though faith alone.  Rome still officially denies the very heart of the Christian faith in their teachings.  They rob Christ the glory due to Him alone.  They persist with many of the practices that Luther bemoaned in his day.  In its official doctrine, it has not changed much since the Reformation.  Some abuses have even become worse.

Many Lutherans claim they must not do things that might falsely associate them with the errors of Protestantism even if otherwise those things are permissible in Christian freedom.  At the same time, they readily claim the name father, call divine service the mass, and other such things.  I affirm that many of these things can be properly, even beneficially, understood in a historic and modern Lutheran context.  At the same time, they unquestionably give others in our day and age the impression that those using them have an affinity with Rome.  Why would we want to give the impression that we stand with a church body that denies our central article of faith?  Must we not flee these things also?

Our affinity with the Gospel must come first. 

I understand that some will think I am fighting with a straw man.  Whatever you think, I ask that you would comment here or on Facebook.  I truly wish to dialogue about this.

2 thoughts on “Affinity with Rome?

  1. Thanks for the post and for getting the conversation going, especially what was written on Facebook last week. It’s sparked in me a response, which I’ve put up on the Gottesdienst Online Blog ( I hope you’ll join the conversation there, and I pray I didn’t misrepresent your thoughts. I look forward to everything that you can bring to the table.

    In Christ,


  2. “Many Lutherans claim they must not do things that might falsely associate them with the errors of Protestantism even if otherwise those things are permissible in Christian freedom. At the same time, they readily claim the name father, call divine service the mass, and other such things.”

    They also circle the wagons with blog columns using strawman titles, like “Playing the das-ist-Katholisch Card” and “Who is worse? Rome or Geneva?”

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