Posted inMeditations

Poverty, Politics, And the Church

The plight of the poor. It is the one quazi-political issue that I often waver on. I get mad at the Republicans that seems more concerned to guard wealth than help the needy. Likewise, I get mad at the Democrats who want to equalize all wealth regardless of anyone’s personal work ethic. And finally I decided this. I get so frustrated because we are trying to let the most unregenerate politicians solve the dilemma of poverty.

When did taking care of the poor become the domain of the government and not the responsibility of the church? Truly the issue of poverty is far to complex for the government to solve with their cookie cutter legislation. There are poor people than need to be told to get up and work. There are others who cannot and should have their needs provided by others.

But can the church really take care of the poor, even provide them health care, etc? It certainly did in the past. Most institutions of mercy and healing were started by Christians. But now we have so secularized the plight of the poor that the church simply goes to the poles to vote for their favorite bureaucracy instead of going to the poor with open hearts and wallets.

Sometime I wonder if the church hasn’t grown so cold because we have let the government take over the things that we ought to be doing. We rob ourselves of the very opportunities we need to live out the life given to us by God. The poor we will always have with us. Let us not forget them as we get lost in secular arguments offered by the latest politicians.

Let’s leave security and the like to the government, and take back the care of the poor for us, the church.

One thought on “Poverty, Politics, And the Church

  1. Phil,

    Great post! Awesome graphic that tells, perhaps, just as much as your words. Thanks for the reminder of our biblical call to take care of the poor and needy, the orphan, the widowed, the alien, etc. around us.

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