Posted inTheology and Practice

Giving Soli Deo Gloria

Tithing is one of those words that people who know what the word means often use without an explanation.  Sometimes  they do so in innocent carelessness. At other times and with other people, the word is used as sort of a prideful secret handshake among fellow tithers.  But, know this, the beauty of tithing is that it is meant to bring glory not to the one tithing but to God alone.

Tithing is the Old Testament practice of giving 10% of all that one received for the work of the kingdom and the care of the poor.  And while this specific command of the law was given to the children of Israel to follow, the principle of percentage giving is found throughout the scriptures.  And why?  Well I would like to suggest that one of the reason is that only by giving back in a percentage way does God truly receive the glory. And other than forming us into his image as givers, the manifestation of God’s goodness  to his people is truly the point of all giving (see Deuteronomy 26).

If one chooses simply to give a static amount, the generosity or meanness of such a gift is a reflection upon the one’s choices and nothing more.  The glory or shame rests upon the individual.  When one chooses a percentage, the actual amount given and therefore the amount available in that locale for the work of the Kingdom becomes God’s responsibility.   If one pledge’s to give 10%, and $10 makes it to the plate in a given week, it is because God provided $100 in monetary blessing that week.  If nothing makes it there, it is because God has provided nothing (fat chance).  If it is $1000 in the plate, it is because $10,000 has been provided.  The amount in the plate and the prosperity of any church (not to mention the entire visible church) rests not upon the choice of individual givers, but upon the generosity of God.

I fear too often we are encouraging people to tithe in a way that it sounds like they are  joining an elite club.  And in so doing, we turn this method specifically designed to guard against selfish pride and turn it into a easy bridge to towering self-importance. Let us instead teach our people that tithing (or at least some form of percentage giving) is a way of giving which can truly confess, “Sola Dei Gloria.” (to God Alone be the Glory)

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