Posted inPolitics / Theology and Practice

god of Country?

            Next friday, we stop to recognize our country’s independence.  Flags will be flying, remembrances will be made, fireworks will be heard throughout the town. In our day, the 4th of July has grown to be more than just a celebration of the actual day our country broke ties with England, but has become a general celebration of everything our country means to us.

            And it is proper that we would celebrate the blessings that God has given to us in this country.  We who worry about putting gas into all of the cars we own instead of having to worry about what food will fill our stomachs should stop to thank God for all that He has given us here.   We who can worship in our own ways, even quite publicly, without much fear of government oppression instead of having to meet underground for fear of imprisonment should stop to thank God that He has allowed the enemies of his church to be restrained from this country for so long.  We who can speak up in our communities about what we think our town and country should be about instead of knowing that such speak could mean harm for our families as in many countries should stop to thank God for our freedom of speech and thought.

            But especially on a week like this, there is a temptation lurking behind the smoke cascading off barbecues all around town.  It is very easy to start to think of our country as our god, instead of as a blessing that the true God provides.  When we get too wrapped up in celebrating our country we can end up worshipping it.   We can forget that our country is not the highest power that exists, but like all things is subject to God.  We can forget that the greatness of our country is not something to be assumed, but something to be received from God’s hand.

            For while God has blessed America in so many ways, we must remember that as Peter learned, “God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.”  God does not exist to serve the USA or to bless it regardless of what it or its people do.  To say such a thing would be to knock God off his throne and place our country there instead.

            God deals with each person and each collection of people like we find in countries without favoritism.  To those who chase after other gods and live their life in rebellion against his ways, there is punishment like that of a father trying to coax his children back into the way of life he desires for them.  And for all who approach him through his Son Jesus in faith and humble repentance, there is blessing like that of a Father glad to have his children back home.

            So as we consider our country this weekend, let us do so realizing that God deals with those of us in the good old USA just like he deals with all people, without favoritism.  He rebukes people and countries who persist in sin in order that they might turn from their evil.  And he blesses individuals and countries who walk with him through the power of his son Jesus.

            So if we desire to have many more years to celebrate the blessings God bestows on country, we do well as individuals and yes even as a country to examine our lives this weekend to see what there is in our lives that needs to be confessed to the one who watches over all nations.  If we find such items, we do well amidst the fireworks firing and flag waving to also do some knee bending before our God.  For then will we receive again the forgiveness of Christ and the blessing of the Father.  Then will God bless those Americans who walk with him by faith. 

For those of us that know God by faith through his son Jesus understands that country is a great blessing of God, but must never become a false God in our lives.  We fear, love, and trust in God alone by his grace.

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