Posted inPolitics

Enough Already

Was this Jeremiah Wright in diguise?  When white is finally right?  Unfortunately, it was not Jeremiah.  And that means that the amount of black preachers encouraging hatred of whites and portraying them as evil is all too massive.  Who will step up in the black church with the courage of the gospel and demand this stops in the body of Christ?  No doubt, there is more blatant racism in many black churches which meet very openly than you can find in the places where whites discuss things under their breath.

President Obama, in line with his speech on race, should rebuke these comments made at his Inauguration.  Shouldn’t he?

One thought on “Enough Already

  1. Phil,

    Just wondering why this particular line was the only one you highlighted? And I am not sure how much difference it makes but the line reads: when whites will finally embrace what is right. Perhaps you are being purposely provocative in your statements but how do you know, based off of one or two men, that massive amounts of black preachers and black churches are blatantly and openly racist? This is the problem. Non-christ followers see people like Benny Hinn, Oral Roberts and then make judgments against the whole body Christ. It doesn’t reflect the large majority of Christianity. We see people like Wright or Lowry (who had a awesome prayer up until the last few sentences) and then make judgments…how is this any different or better?

    Blatant racism is seen in the confederate flag that is seen on cars, flown from flags and worn on t-shirts. Blatant racism is seen when a bunch of white kids in a rural part of the country openly call black kids “niggers”, blatant racism can be seen when some african-americans live with no opportunities for advancement and are stuck in a cycle of poverty and violence and then blamed for being lazy and unwilling to work. Maybe a certain part of Lowry’s speech is unfortunately true…we have come a long, long way as a country…but maybe, just maybe, whites (along with other ethnic groups) need to embrace what is right.

    I was a little disappointed with the ending of his beautiful prayer…but maybe he is speaking “prophetically” something that as a white man is hard to hear. Maybe.

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